Turmeric Extract Powder

Natural Organic Turmeric Extract Curcumin Powder

Main Specifications: Curcumin 95%, Water Soluble Curcumin 10%, Raw Turmeric Powder

Curcumin powder is produced from the root of turmeric, biologically called curcuma longa. It is orange yellow crystal powder with bitter taste. There are two types of curcumin powder, 95% liposoluble curcurmin and 10% water soluble curcumin.


The main active ingredients of turmeric extract are curcuminoids, which contain several compounds, including curcumin, demthoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin and so on. Curcumin is one of the most important substances in curcuminoids.

Curcumin powder is great food coloring agent, flavoring agent and preservative, it is also a good ingredient for dietary supplements, and cosmetics.

 Examination Items Examination Standards Test Result Method
 Appearance Yellow-Orange powder Complies Visual
 Odor & Taste Characteristic Complies Organoleptic
 Extract Solvent Ethyl Acetate Complies ——
 Solubility Soluble in ethanol and glacial acetic acid Complies CP2015
 Identification HPTLC Complies HPTLC
 Content Assay
 Total Curcuminoids ≥95.0% 95.10% HPLC
 Curcumin 70%-80% 73.70% HPLC
 Demthoxycurcumin 15%-25% 16.80% HPLC
 Bisdemethoxycurcumin 2.5%-6.5% 4.50% HPLC
 Particle Size NLT 95% through 80 mesh Complies Screening
 Loss on Drying ≤2.0% 0.61% 3g/105℃/2hrs
 Total ash content  ≤1.0% 0.40% 3g/550℃/4hrs
 Solvent residue  ≤ 5000ppm 3100ppm CP2015
 Tap Density g/ml  0.5-0.9 0.51 GB/T21354-2008
 Bulk Density g/ml  0.3-0.5 0.31 GB/20316.2-2006
 Heavy Metals ≤10ppm < 5ppm ICP-MS
 As ≤3ppm 0.12ppm ICP-MS
 Pb ≤2ppm 0.13ppm ICP-MS
 Cd ≤1ppm 0.2ppm ICP-MS
 Hg ≤0.5ppm 0.1ppm ICP-MS
 Microbiological Test
 Total Plate Count < 1000 cfu/g 850 AOAC 990.12
 Yeast&Mold < 100 cfu/g 50 AOAC 997.02
  E.Coli None Negative AOAC 991.14
 Staphylococcus aureus None Negative AOAC 2003.07
 Salmonella None Negative AOAC 998.09
 Packing 20kg/Drum
 Packing &Storage Preserve in well-closed containers; protect from light and moisture, store at room temperature
 Remark NON GMO, NON-Irradiated, 100% Natural.
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