Lychee Fruit Powder

Lychee powder is spray dried from lychee, Lychee is a sweet and tasty strawberry-red fruit that is a symbol of love and romance in China. As the University of Purdue horticulture website explains, lychee grow in clusters on trees and usually have a round or oval shape. Lychee fruit is roughly one 1 inch long and 1 inch wide. To get at the fruit, you peel off a leather-like skin. The fruit surrounds a rather large seed in the middle. A few days after the fruit ripens, it turns dark and dehydrates, resembling a raisin.

Product Name Lychee Powder
Appearance Similar White powder
Specification 4:1~20:1
Test Methods TLC
grade Food grade
Shipping Details DHL /FEDEX/EMS/by sea or by air
Package 1kg/aluminum foil bag, 25kg/drum
Shelf Life 2 years
Item Specification Test result
Physical Control
Appearance Similar White powder Conforms
Odor Characteristic Conforms
Taste Characteristic Conforms
Part Used Fruit Conforms
Loss on Drying ≤5.0% Conforms
Ash ≤5.0% Conforms
Particle size 95% pass 80 mesh Conforms
Allergens None Conforms
Chemical Control
Heavy metals NMT 10ppm Conforms
Arsenic NMT 2ppm Conforms
Lead NMT 2ppm Conforms
Cadmium NMT 2ppm Conforms
Mercury NMT 2ppm Conforms
GMO Status GMO Free Conforms
Microbiological Control
Total Plate Count 10,000cfu/g Max Conforms
Yeast & Mold 1,000cfu/g Max Conforms
E.Coli Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative
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