Pomegranate Juice Powder

Pomegranate juice powder is made from fresh pomegranate fruit through the process below, crushing and juicing fresh fruit, filtration,concentrating the juice, spray drying with a hot gas, collecting dried powder and sieving the powder through 80 mesh.

Product Name Pomegranate juice powder Latin Name Punica Granatum L.
Part Used Fruit Appearance  pink powder
Specification 100% Nature
Storage Store in a well-closed container away from moisture and direct sunlight
Shelf Life 24 months if sealed and stored properly
Sterilization Method High-temperature, non-irradiated.
Item Specification Test result
Physical Control
Appearance Light Brown powder Conforms
Odor Characteristic Conforms
Taste Characteristic Conforms
Part Used Fruit Conforms
Loss on Drying ≤5.0% Conforms
Ash ≤5.0% Conforms
Particle size 95% pass 80 mesh Conforms
Allergens None Conforms
Chemical Control
Heavy metals NMT 10ppm Conforms
Arsenic NMT 2ppm Conforms
Lead NMT 2ppm Conforms
Cadmium NMT 2ppm Conforms
Mercury NMT 2ppm Conforms
GMO Status GMO Free Conforms
Microbiological Control
Total Plate Count 10,000cfu/g Max Conforms
Yeast & Mold 1,000cfu/g Max Conforms
E.Coli Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative
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